We've had an amazing couple weeks at Maharani Weddings as our community came together with internationally acclaimed henna artist Ash Kumar to name the BEST mehndi artist in the nation! Our office was flooded with hundreds of entries, and we are so grateful to all the artists who shared their amazing talents with us, as well as our dear Maharani Weddings readers who so fervently participated in the voting process!
But alas, I am so happy to announce that we have a WINNER! The 2012 Mehndi Maharani goes to...
FINALIST NUMBER 8: Neeta of Mehndi Designer!
The fabulous Mr. K explains why Neeta's talent captured his eye:
As I had said, I was looking for unique and different creative styles in henna designing for bridal henna. Dholi, bridal figurines, faces are not what I'm looking for, I'm looking for creative works.
This artist has truly stretched her diverse thinking and I am incredibly impressed with the clarity/neatness in her line drawings and shapes.
The use of other material and mediums made the final decision for me, that this is our winner. Not just an artist, but an artist thinking differently-now that's what I like.
Ash Kumar

I congratulate Neeta for her amazing accomplishment in becoming this year's Mehndi Maharani! Your work is truly beautiful and inspired.
Again, special thanks to Mr. K, ALL our finalists and every single one of you who voted. Now let's get back to some more beautiful Indian weddings and celebrate with a toast to Neeta!
Mehndi Artists: Mehndi Designer