From our Maharani, Anu :
My dad took the four of us (my mom, me, my sister and my brother) to brunch at Vargo's, a restaurant he had been raving about for months. This was about a year before I had met Manav. The moment I saw the landscaping of this unexpected jewel in the middle of the metropolitan, concrete jungle that is most of Houston, I knew that I wanted to get married there. There is a beautiful stream that runs through the forest behind the restaurant and turtles, ducks, and geese are aplenty. The most amazing feature, though, are the peacocks that roam about the land and, if you're lucky, show you their beautiful feathers when you walk by. I remember telling my parents that day that if and when I ever got married, I wanted it to be at Vargo's. Two years later, it was a reality.
One of my favorite pictures is one that was taken just before the ceremony - and I am grateful to Joe (Cogliandro) for catching this moment - and it was when my dad had just walked me onto the mandap and Manav and I were about to greet each other with flower wreaths. My dad jokingly told me to check and make sure it was Manav since he was wearing a sehra (a curtain of beads) in front of his face and I leaned forward and pulled away the curtain to see his face. Joe caught that moment and the photo is just priceless.
Much more on the way! Back in a bit!
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