If you think their Hindu ceremony was beautiful, this next part won't disappoint. The happy couple Shilpa and Amani take their vows at this traditional Sikh ceremony that's perfectly coordinated by Ambiance by Tejel. Our Maharani dons a lengha that features rich ruby, emerald and gold tones, while the groom looks quite dapper in a cream colored sherwani. We love the merry mood of the baraat, captured by Adit Studio, as the groom leads his wedding party in joyous procession (nice dance moves, Amani!). The red and white jaimala that he wears is craftily assembled by Anais Event Planning & Design.

Now the moment we've all been waiting for: the reception party! We'll see you there faster than you can say "blissful union."

DJ: Wicked Entertainment | DJ's & Entertainment: Desi Production | DJ's & Entertainment: DJ Happy | DJ's & Entertainment: Wicked Entertainment | Hair & Makeup: Tamanna Roashan