Maharani Moushumi switches things up after her first Indian wedding ceremony. The bride dons a traditional Western-style white strapless gown with a long, dramatic veil, while her groom switches out his taupe-colored sherwani for a sharp black suit. Again, the floral design by Atlas Floral Decorators is remarkable -- could that flower arch be more dramatic and romantic? Major props goes to Sonal J. Shah Event Consultants for pulling off this beautifully executed Indian fusion wedding. Believe it or not, the wedding was actually 30-minutes ahead of time!

And yes, even MORE beautiful Indian wedding photos coming up next! Our bride changes into a third gorgeous outfit and you are NOT going to want to miss it.
Venues: The Rockleigh | Floral & Decor: Atlas Floral Decorators | Transportation: Ramstar | Cinematography: Hart Pictures | Planning & Design: Sonal J. Shah Event Consultants | Catering: Moghul Caterers