For their traditional Hindu wedding, bride Hetal and groom Divyang embraced the classic red, white and gold decor. But to spice things up, the couple introduced a rust orange into the bridesmaids' saris and kurtas. Why? "It's one color that both Divyang and I have loved since we started dating seven years ago," explained the Maharani.
Photographick Studios documents this group of good lookin' people, and then takes Maharani Hetal and Divyang away for some intimate wedding portraits. I think the green landscape and barn (also a rust orange!) in the backdrop makes these photos timeless!

Take one last look at this couple, because they're about to get things "revved up" for their reception!
Cinematography: PVES | Floral & Decor: Palki Mandap | Catering: Mughal Gardens | DJ's & Entertainment: DJ Pranav Shah | Hair & Makeup: Apsara Spa | Baraat: Spring Fever Farm’s Dancing Horses | Mehndi Artists: Apsara Spa | Venues: Julia Bindeman Hebrew Congregation Center | Venues: Martin's West | Photography: Photographick Studios