Following their pink themed Indian wedding ceremony, Maharani Kruti and groom Inderjeet turn down the lights with matching silver and purple outfits. Before they head into their Indian reception at Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, New Jersey, the lovebirds join Fine Art Productions for these lovely portraits. With more than 14 years of history between these India-born sweethearts, what you see here is the real deal! Our Maharani is the definition of a glowing bride with her radiant smile and bridal henna from Ruchi's Mehendi.
An Indian bride poses with her groom for an Indian wedding photographer.
Indian bridal jewelry and bridal henna on a modern Indian bride.
A modern Indian bride and groom before their Indian wedding reception.
Indian wedding portraits with an Indian bride and groom.
An Indian bride and groom in their Indian wedding portraits.
Time to put on our dancing shoes at the Indian wedding reception up next!

Catering: Benares Restaurant & Catering | New Jersey: Hyatt Regency New Brunswick | DJ's & Entertainment: DJ Gaurav LLC