Before we head into the Indian wedding reception, it's time to take some photos! James Thomas Long Photography doesn't have to take this Indian bride and groom far for some gorgeous wedding portraits. The couple just has to walk outside the Casa Real at Ruby Hill Winery for some spectacular views of the vineyard and mountains. I love our Maharani's outfit change: from a traditional red wedding lengha into a sassy hot pink lengha. And new hubby Nick makes sure he matches his bride by sporting a pink tie and flower with his black tux. What a handsome couple!
indian bride and groom portrait at winery.
indian bride and groom before indian wedding reception.
indian wedding portrait of indian bride and groom.
indian bride wears indian bridal fashions.
indian bride in pink wedding lengha. indian bride in fuschia wedding lengha.
Let's head inside the reception hall and let the good times roll!

Venues: Casa Real at Ruby Hill Winery | Cinematography: martinFILMS | Photography: James Thomas Long Photography | Floral & Decor: Nicole Ha Designs