Following their pink Indian wedding ceremony, Maharani Shelly and groom Sheal are ready to cool things down with a chic ballroom reception. Our Indian bride changes out of her hot pink wedding lengha for a gold gown that features flower appliques and tons of tulle -- so feminine! Yazy Jo takes us into the stylish affair planned by Yanni Design Studio at the Eaglewood Resort and Spa. I adore all the creative wedding decor, especially those long stemmed martini glasses as flower vases!
Indian bride evening gown ideas in gold indian bride and groom portraits by indian wedding photographer
Indian wedding shoes for modern indian wedding reception
Indian wedding photography shot of indian wedding dress
Indian wedding cake at indian wedding reception
Indian wedding place cards holder ideas with buddha statues
Indian wedding floral and decor ideas for purple and gold event
indian bride and groom portraits by indian wedding photographer
Indian wedding reception floral and decor setting indian wedding ideas for floral and decor and lighting of reception
Congratulations to Shelly and Sheal!
Maharanis, make sure you come back tomorrow for more Indian wedding inspiration!

Photography: Yazy Jo | Planning & Design: Yanni Design Studio