Prepare yourselves to be blown away by vibrant images by Matei Horvath Photography of Cherie & Janaka's Tibetan ceremony in Southern California. While the Sri Lankan ceremony centered around subtle shades of whites, pinks and yellows, the Tibetan wedding is filled with richer and more vibrant hues, such as reds & blues. The couple relied on Concepts Event Design for all their rental needs to help make their wedding vision come true. From buddhist statues to the portrait of the Dalai Lama, the scene is perfectly set. And I must say that these adorable lovebirds look beautifully festive in their colorful garb. I hear this twinkling twosome even had Tsering Dorjee Bawa playing traditional, Tibetan music to enchant the guests. There's still so much more to come, until then, see more of this Tibetan wedding wonder in the gallery!
Decor images from the reception are still ahead!
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