Our next Indian bride and groom, Radhika and Sagar, really know how to light up the dance floor, and you'll have to agree when you check out their sensational film by Beaded Elephant (FKA Jobst Media)! Their Indian wedding celebration at The Henry was planned by industry expert, Blissful Weddings and Events, and features beautiful decor details by Colonial Event. The first look moment at the 1:28 mark turned our giddy grins into a wide smiles when we saw just how Radhika's eyes lit up with anticipation seconds before her Raja was going to see her in her cream and red bridal lengha for the first time. The blushing bride of the hour was the picture of perfection, her hair by Liz Laurich, and makeup by Tammy Pore Makeup, flawlessly finished. You won't be able to forget the high-energy pre-wedding moments either! Don't wait, press play and see it all for yourselves!

Maharani Radhika, on how she met the Raja of her dreams, Sagar:

"Sagar and I met as teenagers through friends of ours that were dating. Our early courtship can be characterized as fairly classic, teenage romance - chatting on AOL Instant Messenger, walking around the local mall, and going to the movies on a weekly basis. I wish I could pinpoint one magical, eye-opening, moment when I realized Sagar was the one, but I don't think it worked that way for us. Over time, I just realized I wanted to share every thought, moment, and experience with Sagar. Life just felt more vibrant and colorful together."

On her Raja's extraordinary proposal:

"Sagar's proposal was epic.

As I had mentioned, Sagar and I met as teenagers in our hometown in Michigan. We both went to rival high schools (Farmington High and North Farmington High) and spent many of our early movie dates at our local theater, the ever-so-charming, 2-screen cinema, The Farmington Civic.
Our relationship certainly evolved through college, and our long-distance young professional lives, but our favorite date was always a movie date.

A few years ago, Sagar matched for residency in Detroit so I decided to move back to Michigan to be closer to him. Months after my move, Sagar told me to block off a Saturday night for a formal hospital gala in downtown Farmington. Sagar also told me he wanted us to catch the new Captain America movie at the Civic before we headed to his fancy dinner.

Two of my best friends happened to be in town that weekend, so I protested the movie at first, but agreed to ask them if they wanted to join us at the CIvic. Oddly, my two best friends wanted to schedule a mani/pedi date for Saturday afternoon and then wanted to check out Captain America at the Civic. They also showed up to the salon in pretty nice dresses. I was still in jean shorts and a t-shirt, but I had my dress for the evening in a bag. I wasn't quite sure why everyone wanted to get dolled up and catch a movie on this random Saturday but didn't think much of everyone's uncharacteristic behavior.

Anyway, after getting our nails done, my best girls and I hurriedly drove together to the Civic because we were running a couple minutes late. Sagar was already at the door with tickets in hand looking quite dressed up for the gala later that evening. He was rushing me inside to the movie. I told him I needed to use the restroom and that we should get some nachos before the show. He snapped that my friends could pick up nachos and that we'd miss the movie. At the time, I didn't understand why he was being so rude. He guided me into the front row of the theater while I continued to demand nachos and was pulling the toe separators out of my feet.

Finally, seated, the first trailer started. It was an oddly familiar local movie made by the creators of my favorite movies "27 Dresses" and "Crazy Stupid Love." I was beginning to get a little suspicious because the storyline seemed to resemble Sagar and I's romance a bit too closely... halfway through the trailer, classic RomCom music started playing accompanied by a slideshow of our decade's worth of adventures. I finally figured out what was happening and I started bawling. The trailer ended with the text "will you marry me?" and Sagar on bended knee next to me with a ring in his hand. I choked out a "yes," and heard all of my best friends cheering and crying in the back row.

It was the best movie date of my life."

On her wedding style:

"I originally wanted our wedding to stick to a warm palette of deep oranges, reds, and pinks, but with so many events in an Indian wedding, we just couldn't reign in and coordinate all of our decor choices. I love colors, draped fabrics, lanterns and chandeliers, so we just designed our own whimsical, colorful, jewel-toned wedding. There was only one ballroom in our venue that could hold ~ 500 people, so my challenge was to decorate the events as differently as I could so that each occasion felt fresh and fabulous.

The Sangeet was the most casual with couch seating, rectangular tables, draped food stations, and the brightest fabric for backdrops and linens. The goal for this event was to keep our guests moving, munching and mingling.

The Ceremony was outdoors under a beautifully constructed canopy of orange and red fabric in the courtyard of the Henry. I loved that our mandap was mostly just draped fabric too. It felt so airy and romantic. Michigan is also notorious for fickle, generally unfortunate weather and we were somehow blessed with a perfect, sunny morning!

The Reception ballroom maintained our warm color palette but the room was reoriented and dressed more formally. This event featured all round tables, linens with more sparkle and a heavily draped entryway. The event was still colorful, but more toned down and elegant."

On her and Raja Sagar's first dance song:

"Our first dance was to Fall Out Boy's "Young Volcanoes." Sagar and I have been Fall Out Boy fans for over a decade and have been to at least 4 of their shows. We knew our wedding soundtrack would feature upbeat, poppy rock music by Fall Out Boy. No other bands/musicians spoke to us and our relationship quite like these guys! Into the first chorus of our swing-style dance, indoor fireworks shot up all around us on the stage and we just kept on twirling. It was probably my favorite part of the wedding. It felt so us!"

We're only half-way through our unforgettable Filmy foray, my dears! Meet you back here in a bit for two more sensational wedding wonders!

Photography: Beaded Elephant | Venue: The Henry | Floral & Decor: Colonial Event | DJs & Entertainment/Lighting/Baraat: Sandeep Hans Entertainment | Makeup: Tammy Pore Makeup | Mehndi Artist: Ekta Shah Kansara | Hair: Liz Laurich