Step into Nemacolin and immerse yourself in a world where creativity reigns supreme! Here, we celebrate the genius of designers, planners, photographers, and visionaries who turn dreams into reality. Nature's canvas sprawls before us, offering boundless inspiration across our expansive grounds and top-tier facilities. It's a playground where your inner artist thrives, ready to craft unforgettable moments.

Our journey kicks off with an electrifying opening at one of Nemacolin's majestic lawns tented and draped to perfection. Picture insightful presentations and motivational talks amidst stunning visuals and cutting-edge AV wizardry from See Hear Pro, captivating all in attendance. Engage!24 isn't just an event; it's a catalyst for your passion and a springboard for your business.
Rebecca Miller Grinnals, a luminary in the wedding realm, infuses each summit with her wealth of knowledge and visionary thinking. Kathryn Arce, the mastermind behind our meticulously planned experiences, ensures every detail sparkles. Engage! isn't merely about learning; it's about honoring the artistry and dedication that shape unforgettable moments for couples worldwide.

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Event: Engage | Host Property: Nemacolin | Creative Director: Ed Libby Events | Event Design & Floral: Ed Libby Events | Art Direction & Branding: TPD Design House | Gifting Curation & Paper: TPD Design House | Event Planning: Le Feast | Live Entertainment & Dueling DJs: Elan Artist | Dancers & Immersive: Elan Artist | AV & Production: See Hear Pro | Mixology: The Cup Bearer | Drone Show: Sky Elements Drones | Linens: Party Mosaic | Furniture Rentals: Lux Event Rentals | Photo Booth: Banga Booth | Graphic Design & Show Director: Trisha Hay | Custom Linen: Nüage Designs | Photography: Corbin Gurkin | Social Media Director: Samantha Roberts | Gala Linens: Nüage Designs | Headliner Procurement & Production: SOP House | Tabletop rentals: Maison de Carine | Caviar: Calvisius Caviar USA | Truffle Potato Chips: Tartuflanghe | Photography: Ryan Greenleag | Photography: Paul Morse | Photography: Roey Yohai Studios | Photography: Good Encinema | Photography: Joel & Justyna | Photography: Afrik Armando | Photography: Bo Shim | Photography: Kylee Yee Photo