June is the busiest month for brides-to-be, and that's because it's officially the most popular month to get hitched! With so much planning and prep happening right now for all of the lucky South Asian bride's who can count themselves among the bevy of June brides, a lot of details like what she's wearing and what color linens and how high the centerpieces need to be take the forefront, but there's one floral detail that is just as important as the others, and is basically the only floral that gets to make the exciting journey down the aisle during the wedding ceremony — the bouquet. The bride and her bridesmaids, traditionally, all get one and we wanted to share some of the most vibrant and brilliant bunches we've come across on our site that would be perfect for a sunny, summertime wedding. Check out these 8 wedding bouquets that are sure to brighten your day!

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Wasn't it nice to stop and smell the roses...and orchids, and hydrangeas, and mums and...? Well, you get it. Have a beautiful day, Maharanis!