Every song begins with one note, and every story begins with one word, but every South Asian wedding...those begin with a BANG! With festivities galore leading up to the main event, it's hard to decipher which celebration is the main event! The plethora of parties, fashions, food, music and fabulous fun with friends and family is a traditional rite and a Maharani's pre-weddings are, most of the time, more elaborate and colorful than any other wedding in the world! From the gaye holuds to sangeets, and mehndi nights to garbas, every Princess deserves a party, or two, or three, before she gets hitched — because you have to celebrate the most important day in your life right! The vivid colors, striking decor and energetic entertainment that come along with a pre-wedding event is enough to impress any partygoer, but these incredible customs full of symbolism and meaning are leading up to the most anticipated one of all — the wedding ceremony! So let's drum up the excitement today with a look at some of the most memorable pre-wedding moments to make their way to us! These eight, candid captures are the perfect representation of just how amazing South Asian wedding events are, from the very beginning...
Didn't those moments just make you smile? Have a beautiful rest of the day, Maharanis!
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